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Conventional Marketing Still Has Its Place

While digital marketing seems to be the way of the future, you can’t ignore conventional marketing. traditional_marketing_KnoxwebKnoxweb explains that when both work together and in balance they can do amazing things for your business.

It’s important to note that just because companies are delving into artificial intelligence and text message marketing doesn’t mean they aren’t continuing with newsletters and billboards.

Think Smarter Not Harder

Smart companies are mixing digital and conventional marketing to boost business. In addition, those small and large businesses are attracting a new audience.

For example, not everyone lives on a Smartphone or a computer. Believe it or not, there are those who still live their lives without the internet.

If you want to attract that audience you must incorporate conventional marketing into your overall advertising strategy.

Knoxweb, who has been helping businesses just like yours for well over two decades, understands how frustrating it can be to create a balance when it comes to combining traditional marketing with digital marketing.

A healthy balance helps you reach your audience and your demographic.

Tips for Combining Traditional and Digital Marketing:

  • Mix Print and Digital Content
  • Combine Geo–Targeted Billboards and Advertisements
  • Use Customer Intent Info for Cold Calling
  • Promote Live and Local Events on the Web
  • Make Videos for TV

The main different between conventional or traditional marketing and digital marketing is the channel. For instance conventional marketing means TV, radio, direct mail, print, telephone advertising, and advertising outdoors.

Digital marketing consists of affiliate marketing, content marketing, social media, websites, email marketing, SEO, paid traffic, IE advertising, voice search marketing and text message marketing.

Customer Confidence and Conventional Marketing

Because there is so much information on the net it is hard to discern fact from fiction. For example, if you are researching a common product you will probably find dozens of articles that tell you the same thing.

For this reason people on the net tend to believe offline advertising more than online advertising. While this is changing there are still those who would never purchase anything on the web.

Again, having a balance between traditional and digital marketing is the best way to build customer confidence. In addition, you will build trust.

For instance, if someone who shows an interest in your online campaign sees something similar on a billboard they will be more inclined to dig deeper to find out more about your products and services.

Combining Mediums with Print Advertising

If you follow the Knoxweb Blog you will recall the importance of combining both print and digital content. Although some will say that print is dying a slow death it cannot be ignored.

Try advertising your business in a magazine or newspaper. Don’t forget to include a QR code or a link so that people can find you online.

Use your social media links and QR codes for all of your printed media including business cards, posters, flyers, brochures and newsletters as well.

An easy way to get more customers is to combine geo targeted billboards and advertisements.

By targeting your audience through digital and conventional marketing methods on billboards you are creating brand awareness.

Geo targeting is used to find out about the user. If you know where your audience spends their time, use that information to place your outdoor advertising efforts.

Cold Calling for Digital and Conventional Marketing

While cold calling is a no no it can be of benefit if you know what your potential customers are looking for.

Internet data helps find the people who are looking for your products and services. Intent data can be quite explicit using questionnaires or surveys, or in can be something like pattern analysis enabling users to research your products and services before purchasing anything.

Your website is a huge opportunity for potential buyers as well because your blog helps users compare prices and learn more about your company while reviews help you boost your reputation.

Local Events for Conventional and Traditional Marketing

Your website is the perfect place to advertise local events. Once you advertise on your website with a landing page or blog you can share it to your social media pages. Be sure you mix things up as you do not want your posts to look automated.

Consider sponsored posts along with eye catching videos that you share on your Facebook and Instagram pages. Run a poll about attendance or ask people what or who they would like to see at your next event.

Make a YouTube Video for Television

Everyone loves YouTube which has benefits for traditional marketing as well.

While ad reach on cable is falling, TV ads are much cheaper than they used to be.

With that being said you have a far better chance of getting an older audience on telly than you would on the net.

Talk to Knoxweb about shooting a video grabber for YouTube and TV.

Knoxweb for Conventional and Digital Marketing

If you would like to learn more about combining traditional and digital marketing, call or send a direct message and have a chat with a team member from Knoxweb today.