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Winning Innovative Digital Marketing Strategies

Everyone knows that digital marketing is the best way to advertise your business online. However, with all of the new high tech gadgets for sale, how do you know where to put your digital marketing efforts?

According to Knoxweb, research is an essential part of the puzzle, especially if you are out to capture the Lion’s share of the market.

While email marketing still has its place, a few new kids on the block are taking the world by storm. Below are a few of those new, not so new, and innovative digital marketing platforms to try.

Text Message Marketing

One of the most popular ways to advertise your business is with text message marketing. This new and innovative marketing platform is easy to use and very popular with people of all ages.

Text message marketing has a better ROI and is more likely to be opened than email. Email marketing is still viable, but needs to be incorporated into your overall digital marketing plan to become useful and effective.

When you create your text messages, don’t forget to include relevant keywords and keyword phrases. When you optimize your content for text message marketing you will see more click throughs and purchases.

Alexa What’s the Temperature?

If you follow the Knoxweb blog, you will know that voice activation is huge and only going to get bigger. You can’t ignore the statistics.

At the beginning of 2020, more than 50 million people owned a smart speaker. That’s about 157 million smart speakers in every household. That number is up by 1.7 percent since 2017. Ask Knoxweb how you can incorporate voice activation marketing into your overall digital marketing scheme.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing can’t be ignored, and although it has been with us for more than a decade, it’s important to note that advertising on social media has only gotten bigger.

Remember, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms allow you to interact and engage with fans and followers in real time. This is extremely important as social media marketing enables you to understand who your audience is and what they want from you and your brand.

No Click Searches for Digital Advertising

Normally when you ask Google a question you type it in the search bar, hit enter and then click on the best link that will give you the information that you are looking for. However, sometimes the answer is in the Meta description or the paragraph at the top of your search engine results.

You must add something in your snippets that draws attention. If Google feels that your information is valuable, you might be included in a no click search. Schema also enhances content while providing website details including reviews and ratings.

Visual Image Searches for Digital Marketing

In 2020, users can upload images to Google to obtain information. For example, if someone uploaded a picture of a plant, the search will return the name of the species and pertinent information. Pinterest Lens, Google Lens, and other platforms are using image search to help them find useful information.

You can increase your visual searches by including high quality pictures in your content. Don’t forget to tag with keywords and keyword phrases. Advertising with pictures will increase your return on investment and your bottom line.

Reviews for Your Business

Online reviews can make or break a business. One bad review on Yelp or Google can affect your ability to attract new clients and customers. While any business can talk about products and services, reviews from verified sources will help your company stand out from the rest. Reviews build trust even before they see your products and services in action.

Interact with Fans and Followers

One of the best ways to attract new customers is with interactive posts. These interactive posts are a clever way to add value. Include interactive pages on your website as well as it is an excellent way for them to engage with you and your company. Interactive marketing could include polls and surveys, contests and quizzes.

When you interact with your fans and followers, you are engaging on a more personal basis. This creates trust and value.

If you would like to learn more about digital marketing, call and talk to a team member from Knoxweb today.