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The Top 8 Mistakes People Make with Social Media Marketing

These days it is imperative to include Social Media Marketing in your business plan, but unfortunately, most small businesses, companies and individuals don’t have a clue when it comes to Social Media Marketing.

It will happen Overnight

It takes time to build an audience, and if you think that you are going to get thousands of likes in a week, you are sadly mistaken. Building relationships with potential clients and customers is like running a marathon, not a sprint. According to Knoxville Internet, it is imperative that you commit to at least twelve months, engaging and posting regularly on your social media pages. If you do not have the time, talk to Knoxville Internet who can help with Social Media Marketing strategies.

No Strategy

One of the biggest mistakes organizations, businesses and individuals make is not having a plan when it comes to Social Media Marketing. Knoxville Internet advises that you have a clear strategy based around why you are using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Digg, YouTube, or Pinterest. It’s also important to discuss what it is that you want to gain from Social Media Marketing.

You Talk Too Much

Social Media Marketing is much like the virtual world. In other words, potential clients and existing customers will be more drawn to your Facebook and Twitter pages if you are listening to what they have to say. Comment on their comments and take into account suggestions that your users may have that could help your business or organization.

Keep the Dirty Laundry Out of it

There is nothing worse than airing your bad or hurt feelings in a public forum. If you are having an issue with an employee, or worse yet, a user, never use inappropriate or derogatory language. There is nothing that will turn your users off more than a debate.

Be Careful about Self-Promotion

One of the biggest mistakes when it comes to Social Media Marketing is self-promotion. It’s important to have a healthy balance. Knoxville Internet advises that you watch your brand and if there are complaints on your social media pages address them. If the complaints are not looked at seriously, the business that took ten years to build could be destroyed in as little as 10 minutes.

Be Realistic

If you believe that your Social Media Marketing is the only tool you need to expand your business, you would be dead wrong. According to Knoxville Internet, it is vital that you incorporate other marketing methods as well. The Yellow Pages may not be what they used to be, but there are still ways to advertise your business such as email marketing and weekly blogs.

It’s Not All about You

Tweeting or posting everyday about you isn’t going to gain you any fans. In fact, incessant comments about your business can become downright annoying. Keep your tweets short and sweet and make sure that your posts are valuable to your users.

Failure to Respond

If you are not listening to your clients and customers, you will lose business. Make sure that you respond to your clients comments, especially if there is a legitimate or serious problem. If you have stopped updating those potential customers and existing clients will go elsewhere. Make sure that you continue to engage, and if you don’t have time, schedule a no obligation consultation with Knoxville Internet.