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Why Social Media Marketing is Important for Business

social media marketing

Social media marketing has never been more important, and according to Knoxweb, it may become more vital than traditional online marketing.

Of course, Google isn’t going anywhere, and Google Ads do work, but if you aren’t including social media marketing into the picture, you could be losing out on valuable business with people that you may never reach through email marketing.

A social media marketing campaign is cheap to run, and best of all, you can reach a larger number of potential clients and customers.

Below are a few social media marketing statistics that just may push you into starting a social media marketing campaign with Knoxweb.

1. According to We Are Social, 2.80 global social media users equaled 37 percent penetration.

2. 25 percent of Twitter users are active. People who tweet can improve your sales while convincing co-workers and clients that you are the real deal.

3. Adults who surf the net aged 18 to 24 are most likely to follow your brand on social media. When you target your social media sites consider your audience and demographic.

4. 71 percent of consumers who have good brand exposure on social media will share and recommend to family and friends. With social media, you can increase your brands engagement while winning new clients and customers.

5. There are 2.56 billion mobile social media users on the planet. That is equivalent to 34 percent penetration. Optimize your social media, and ask Knoxweb about mobile ads. These relatively inexpensive ads allow you to test multiple versions to see what works best for you and your company.

6. 96 percent of social media users that talk about a certain brand don’t follow the brands social media profiles. It is imperative that you go above and beyond your channels to see if they are following your competition and why.

7. If you follow the Knoxweb Blog, you know that visual content is at the top of the list when it comes to social media engagement. Your video produced by Knoxweb and Video Grabber is 40 times more likely to be shared on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter than other types of content, including pictures.

8. Facebook influenced 52 percent of consumer’s offline and online purchases in 2015 up from 36 percent back in 2014. You can only imagine what those statistics have grown to in 2017. Knoxweb can’t stress how important social media channel management is to your overall online marketing campaign.

9. There are over 50 million small businesses that have a Facebook page. Smart business owners have a social media marketing team member who keeps up with unique content. Knoxweb can show you how to include Facebook ads in your social media marketing campaign. Four million small businesses are now paying Facebook for social media advertising.

10. According to HubSpot, the best time to post on social media is 3:00 pm on Wednesday. Other good times to post are 12:00-1:00 pm on Saturdays and Sundays and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Thursdays and Fridays.

11. Back in February of 2016, Facebook users uploaded 4.4 million videos generating a mind blowing 199 million views. Video marketing with Knoxweb and Video Grabber is powerful and can personalize your brand for more conversions.

12. Skip the cute kitties. Only 20 percent of small business Facebook posts generated an emotional response. Instead of going for heart strings, deliver dynamic content that is tailored to your target market.

13. Nearly 13 percent of people who tweet a complaint about a company expect a tweet back within the hour. Clients and customers are using social media to ask questions and vent frustration. If you aren’t responding to tweets or posts, you could lose business.

If tweeting, posting and Instagramming is too much for you or your company to handle call or click and schedule an appointment with the social media marketing team from Knoxweb.

The holidays are just around the corner and if you want to shine on social media, Knoxweb can help.

Call or click today.