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Voice Search Marketing is Here to Stay

Voice search marketing is the next big thing. In fact, according to Knoxweb, it’s already here and has been for some time. However, not everyone understands the importance of search engine optimization for voice search marketing.

It’s important that you target both voice search and text search marketing when crafting content. With that being said, there are some differences between the two.

Typing and talking are two different things. Think how you type and how you talk and you will quickly learn the difference.

Why Voice Search Marketing is Important

If you are still optimizing all of your content for text you are losing out on the lion’s share of the market as most people are using voice search instead of text search.

Voice Search Stats

According to Knoxweb, mobile phone users are adopting voice search quicker than others. In fact, about 32 percent of mobile users across the globe are now using voice search for queries. It’s also interesting to note that more than half of those users were under 18.

Experts explain that about half of Google searches are done using voice search. Firstly, it’s because they are more accurate, secondly, it’s because it is easier.

Demographic Stats for Voice Search

An astonishing 150 million smart speakers were sold back in 2020 with Americans leading the way. In fact, over 50 percent of U.S. households had one or more smart speakers in their home at the end of that same year.

Boost Your Brand with VSM

Every business needs to incorporate voice search marketing into its strategies. When you update your platforms, websites and mobile apps for VSM you are ahead of the game. Keep in mind that voice search is still relatively new with people literally ignoring it. You certainly don’t want to do that. Does Googlegeddon ring a bell?

Voice Search Marketing

When you ask Siri or Alexa a question the device will go to the search and read the featured snippet. This is what is featured just under the URL of the business. Optimize your On-SERP SEO and you will effectively optimize your content for the Google results page. Excellent content also gives you a leg up when it comes to the highly coveted featured snippet.

Voice Search Marketing Tips:

  • Create Content that Answers Questions
  • Organize your Content in Q and A Form
  • Create High Quality Content with Keywords

Featured snippets are going to be more valuable as time goes on with the competition fierce.

Voice Search Platforms and Devices

If you follow the Knoxweb Blog you will recall that every tech company has its own device or platform. Apple has Siri while Amazon is home to Alexa. If you want to activate your Google Device, just say, “Hey Google.”

Other platforms include Cortana from Microsoft which was introduced in 2014. Its sophisticated algorithm enables the device to learn your preferences and your habits.

Voice Search Marketing Continues

Of course the semantics of voice search marketing will change with more users phrasing questions in a conversational tone. For example, instead of typing in Knoxville weather, users will say, “What’s the weather like in Knoxville?” Creating content that is conversational in nature will help you with your search engine optimization efforts.

Long Tailed Keywords for Voice Search

It is essential that you start adopting long tailed keywords and keyword phrases into your content. For example, instead of using short keywords use conversational questions. While it is time consuming, businesses need to account for word choice and tone when it comes to creating content for voice search marketing.

When you re-evaluate your content and add keyword phrases you will see better results in your voice search marketing efforts. It may also put you in the highly coveted featured snippet section on Google.

Knoxweb for the Win

If you would like to learn more about voice search marketing for your business, call or send a direct message to a team member from Knoxweb today. You’ll attract customers and increase your bottom line.

Call or send a message on social media today.