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Stop Battling Digital Marketing and Work with a Professional

If you are constantly knocking your head against a brick wall when it comes to your advertising budget, you aren’t alone. According to Knoxweb, the leaders in web development and web design, most people aren’t sure where to spend their cash.


In the past, it was a no brainer. You chose TV, radio, direct mail, print, billboards, or the trusty yellow pages. Back then, there was no such thing as digital marketing. My how things have changed.

Digital Marketing a New Way to Advertise

In addition, twenty years ago, most analysts couldn’t have predicted what is happening in the world of digital marketing. With text and voice recognition marketing, social media marketing and email marketing added to the dwindling conventional marketing platforms it’s tough to make the right decision.

If you are a subscriber to the Knoxweb Blog, you already know how digital marketing has changed advertising. These days the Yellow Pages are delegated to the fire pit while door to door selling has become passé.

Digital marketing has opened new doors. Internet marketing has changed everything. From Google ads to social media advertising you can easily spread your advertising budget thin to the point of non-existence. Thankfully, digital marketers have the knowledge and experience to put your ad dollars in the right place.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone with Digital Marketing

Video Marketing

One of the most powerful ways to boost your presence is with video. Ask customers for testimonials or shoot how to videos. Show your products and services in action and you will see in an increase in sales. Film a video that shows your brands best assets. Whatever you do make sure you have a solid script and storyboard.

AI Marketing

AI Marketing is set to take control. Alexa and Siri are two of the most used names in households today. If your business isn’t optimized for artificial intelligence, you are missing the boat. Ask Knoxweb, who has been in the business since 1996, how you can incorporate smart AI marketing into your overall digital marketing campaign. It’s new it’s different and it’s probably something your competition hasn’t delved into yet.

Text Message Marketing

Text messaging your customers, and potential ones, is an easy way to hold interest. With text message marketing you are bound to attract more business. Most people read every text message. Email messages are different. Firstly, it may never get opened; secondly, it will probably go in the trash folder.

Social Media and Digital Marketing

Putting your best efforts into social media marketing is a smart thing. When you advertise on various social media platforms, you are optimizing your content. In fact, when people like, comment and share your videos you will see an increase in your fan base. Furthermore, all of those shares are free advertising for your business. Just be ready.

Social media marketing can go viral in seconds. If you are not prepared for the onslaught of orders, the bad reviews generated will harm your brand. Any social media marketing campaign needs to be well thought out.

Putting up an ad with a video could get you thousands of views, especially if you add music and narrative. Just scroll through your feed and read the ads. Some have hundreds of thousands of likes and shares. Your business needs to be prepared.

Add Influencer Marketing to your Budget

People admire influencers. Just look what the  Kardashian’s have done for the brands they talk about. An influencer can be anyone from a nobody that supports your brand to a well-known celebrity who is a fan of your products and services.

Influential bloggers are also great assets to have in your digital marketing toolbox. Hire a guest blogger who knows your company. Most bloggers have hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

When you find the right influencer, you are branding your business.

The digital world has changed marketing forever. Has your business kept up with the times? Call or click and schedule an appointment with the experts from Knoxweb. Knoxweb will come up with a digital marketing strategy that will boost your end of year sales.

Call or click for a no obligation digital marketing consultation with Knoxweb today.