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Social Media Marketing Does Organic Still Work?

social media marketing

Social media marketing is something that you should be concerning yourself with. Keeping active on social media not only boosts your profile online, but can also help your SEO and your earnings.

If you have been following the Knoxweb Blog, you will know by now that social media marketing should be just as important to your overall online marketing strategy as Google Ads or any other third party advertising site you may use. In fact, advertising your products and services on social media doesn’t have to cost you a fortune.

Knoxweb explains, you don’t have to spend a penny when you organically grow your business with thoughtful posts, tweets, and videos that attract the attention of your target market. However, the social media landscape has changed when it comes to organic and paid for advertising.

These days you need to be a bit more savvy when it comes to social media marketing if you want your organic posts to be seen by the right people.

What Does Organic Mean?

According to Knoxweb organic means the number of users who will find your post or tweet without paid for distribution. These are the people that just happened to be on Facebook when you posted your coupon or sale. Those users saw your post organically. Unfortunately, Facebook is now using a complicated algorithm that prevents businesses from continuously posting on people’s feeds. This makes your organic reach limited.

Promoted or paid for posts refer to businesses that pay for a boost using a one time or an on-going payment system. You can target your Facebook posts towards your demographic and target market reaching a larger audience when it comes to social media marketing.

Facebook Advertising

Facebook is much more than a place to play games or catch up with family and friends; it’s also a place where companies can build great relationships with clients and customers. This may sound exciting for a business owner, but not so much for the people whose timelines are being bombarded with ads and sales pitches. This is what prompted the algorithm change.

Facebook answered the complainers and introduced a prioritized system where posts by family and friends are at the top of a feed. The odds of seeing content from a brand are now quite low. Organic content really isn’t the best option when it comes to growing your audience and getting the all-important leads on Facebook. With that being said, when you post regularly, you still can attract the attention that you are looking for with great organic content.


Facebook isn’t your only option when it comes to spending money on advertising. Twitter brought in a whopping 545 million in 2016. Unlike Facebook, Twitter kept timelines chronological placing organic content from businesses on the field with posts by friends and family. Twitters new timeline uses a feature that is called, “Show me the best Tweets first.” That means any content that you might have missed will appear at the top of your feed when you sign on to Twitter again. Once a user is on the page, content appears in real time so that companies still have the opportunity to reach their demographic organically.

Implementing a sound social media marketing strategy is something that you shouldn’t ignore. Call or click and talk to Knoxweb who can come up with a customized social media marketing plan that will help you increase your exposure online and your profits.

Call or click today.