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More Online Marketing Strategy Tips 2018

online marketing strategy

Do you have an online marketing strategy for 2018? If you don’t, call or click and talk to the online marketing professionals from Knoxweb who can help you come up with a solid plan for your online marketing strategy.

Since 1996, Knoxweb has been helping businesses and organizations stay on track when it comes to the ever-changing world of digital technology.

Just when you thought you had it all figured out, Google goes in and changes something. Your old ways of thinking, even if you thought you were tech savvy aren’t going to work in 2018. Thankfully, the team from Knoxweb keeps up with the changes and can help your presence on the World Wide Web.

According to recent research, Americans will spend an astounding $113.8 billion dollars on advertising. That is double what it was just 24 months ago.

With platforms and new technologies emerging on a daily basis, there has never been a better time to connect with the people who want to know more about your product or service. However, unless you are up on the latest bells and whistles when it comes to optimizing your brand, you could miss the boat.

Below are some online marketing trends to watch for in 2018.

Machine Learning

Like it or not, 97 percent of business owners believe that the future of all marketing will be a collaboration between humans and automated entities or machine learning. It is imperative to respond as quickly as possible to keep up with the behavior of the customer. Machine learning has already helped fraud detection in the healthcare field with PayPal using predictive technology to prevent money laundering.

In 2018, you can expect machine learning to assist with content management, automated data visualization, and overall analysis.

Dark Social

No, Dark Social isn’t some sort of secret social club. Dark Social is a term marketers use to describe people sharing content through messaging apps, instant messaging programs and email. Dark Social is any traffic whose source cannot be tracked through social media networks or Google. Tags that are attached whenever the link is shared identify referral traffic.

Some examples of Dark Social would be:

• A girlfriend sharing a show that she would like to attend via text
• Friends group emailing each other sharing their favorite Fantasy Football teams
• Your sister using What’s App to ask you about a new dress that she wants to buy
• Your boss sending you a Slack message about a seminar you should attend

Knoxweb explains that there are dozens of ways to share content using Dark Social. Dark Social is responsible for 84 percent of outbound sharing. Obviously, you and your business cannot afford to ignore Dark Social.

According to Knoxweb, 46 percent of potential buyers over the age of 55 use Dark Social as there only means of sharing content. Consumers aged 16 to 34 are less likely to share via Dark Social, only 19 percent of them to be exact.

Micro Moments

The most successful businesses and organizations can anticipate the compulsiveness of the consumer, something that is important to note when it comes to your online marketing strategy. Remember, 96 percent of potential buyers will grab their mobile device to check out a product or service. They want answers on the spot. Giving consumers what they want when they want it is more important than ever as people are making decisions in the moment.

Ask Knoxweb to design a mobile responsive website that will display a navigation bar with categories that have been arranged according to personal importance. This makes it simple to locate relevant and rich information during a micro-moment.

If you would like some help planning your online marketing strategy in 2018, call or click and schedule a no obligation consultation with the online marketing experts from Knoxweb. You want to hit the ground running and that can’t happen without a solid plan.

Call or click today.