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A Mobile Responsive Website are You Still Without One

Believe it or not, some companies are still not optimized for mobile use. Some small and large businesses are still using old style websites that have to be pinched and squeezed to read.

If you follow the Knoxweb Blog, you will remember that Google started punishing people who did not have a mobile responsive website back in April of 2015. Over 4 years later, some still are not getting it.


When Google introduced Google Recommendations back in 2015, it was all about mobile responsive website design. Google actually rewarded websites that moved with the times fully optimizing their platforms. Mobile friendliness was and still is imperative, especially when you consider Google’s Mobile Indexing Solutions.

Why You Need a Mobile Responsive Website in 2019

Mobile responsive websites boost your online presence while adapting to screen size regardless of what mobile device you are using. A mobile responsive website reformats giving users a better web experience. Mobile responsive websites also keep in line with Google and its algorithms.

According to Knoxweb, responsive websites have been around since 2010, but have had some incredible updates since then.

Mobile Responsive is the Key

While only 22 percent of people used their mobile device to surf the net back in 2014, that number has grown to a whopping 88 percent surpassing desktop searches since 2016.

Because people are using phones to shop, locate show times and restaurant menus, having a mobile responsive website is crucial. The internet has changed and one of the biggest reasons is mobile use. People use their phones to do their banking and find out if rain is in the forecast. If your business is living in the dark ages, you will lose business.

Firstly, 8 in 10 people use mobile phones with the over 65’s getting in on the act as well. Secondly, the public is tech savvy and if your company is not mobile responsive, users will go to the competition.

Google Moves Forward Again with Migration

In 2018, Google began migrating websites that were mobile first indexing. Previously, Google only indexed desktop versions of websites, but noticed that this was causing issues for people on mobile devices. With mobile first indexing, Google indexes, crawls and ranks mobile versions of websites. However, you shouldn’t just throw up a mobile responsive website that isn’t solid. Your site must look professional and be fully functional.

The Benefits of a Mobile Responsive Website

A mobile responsive website allows you flexibility across all devices and screen resolutions. With a mobile responsive website it doesn’t matter where the user is browsing as it looks great on a laptop, Smartphone, desktop or tablet. The website is easy to use and navigate regardless of screen size giving the user the best experience possible. Knoxweb explains that responsive websites make it easy to navigate and read the website without constantly having to scroll or resize.

Modernize your Brand with a Mobile Responsive Website

Websites that are not optimized for mobile look dated. If you want people to see your brand as modern, you must have a mobile responsive website. Customers like to be able to contact you and your business on every platform whether it’s a desktop or a Smartphone.

A mobile responsive website must be responsive on all pages, not just the home page, or the landing page. If you are still sending potential customers to a page that is not optimized for mobile devices they will go elsewhere.

Because a mobile responsive website improves the experience of the user, it makes your brand more recognizable. Companies that have a mobile responsive website will usually see repeat business. You will also see higher conversion rate and a better ROI.

Rank Higher with a Responsive Website

Also, remember that sites that are mobile responsive load faster. If you have a mobile responsive website, you will also see a lower bounce rate. Being mobile responsive also makes social media marketing and sharing easier. This not only helps you grow your fan base but will also increase your online profile.

Other great reasons to have a mobile responsive website include maintenance. Because you only have one website dedicated to your company, it is less expensive and quicker than having a standalone website for mobile applications.

If you are not mobile friendly, you are not growing your business the way you should. Ask Knoxweb how you can convert your site into a fully functional mobile responsive website. It really will make a difference to your bottom line and your audience.

Call for a no obligation consultation with Knoxweb today.