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Is Your Business Blog a Non Event?

business blog

If Google has relegated your business blog to the, “Bone yard,” you probably haven’t updated if for a while. You may have been gung ho in the beginning, but unless you keep up with your business blog, Google will penalize you for it. As they say, “If you build it they will come,” and that is certainly the case when it comes to a business blog.

Knoxweb begs to differ with the so-called experts claiming blogging is dead, and although that may well be the case when it comes to personal blogs, maintaining your business blog is priceless when it comes to your online presence.

Google loves fresh content and if you follow the Knoxweb blog, you will know that the algorithms don’t factor social media into search engine ranking, at least that is what they powers that be at Google say. With that being said, you must have the time and the energy to update your business blog on a regular basis. Bi-weekly, weekly and monthly blogs will help you rise to the top of the search engines, and best of all, it can be done organically.

When you optimize your content with fresh, educational, and interesting blogs Google and the other search engines will reward you for it.

Should Every Company Have a Business Blog?

If you want the search engines to take notice of your business, a blog is essential. When you post regularly on your business blog, you will be boosting your SEO, especially when you start sharing on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Sharing your well-written professional blog will get you more likes, comments, and shares.

When you include a well-written business blog in your website, you are positioning yourself as a true business leader in your field whether you are talking about your products and services or posting a How to Vlog. Once you start sharing your blogs and videos, you will begin to build a community who will start to follow you and look forward to your weekly blog. A blog for business also allows you to talk about new trends that affect your business or organization.

Honestly, there are very few companies that won’t see results from a well-written business blog. A blog will help you build your brand across multiple platforms allowing you to target your demographic.

How Much Time Does It Take to Write a Blog/

Blogs are very labor intensive. If you are having trouble coming up with new ideas six months after you started your blog, you just may quit all together.

A professional blog writer will come up with fresh topics that are well researched and original. Every post will be optimized so that Google will find you. Search Engine Optimization is a big deal and if you aren’t fluent in SEO or SMO speak your blog could actually hurt your business. You may be an expert in your field, but unless you are a professional writer, it could harm your reputation.

What Happens if I haven’t Updated my Business Blog?

If your blog is a few years old and you stopped updating a few months after the launch, Google and Bing will be disappointed. A blog that is active and thriving will attract new potential clients and customers. If you blog every once in awhile, it will make you seem disinterested in your own blog. You must have the time and the energy to write regular blog posts. If your company’s blog is out of date, talk to Knoxweb about a professional business blog writer. A re-launch of your dead blog could be just what your business needs to increase your fan base.

When it comes to your online presence, a blog is essential. Call or click and talk to a team member from Knoxweb who can help you come up with a strong online marketing strategy that includes a professionally written business blog.

A professional business blogger from Knoxweb is ready to handle your business blog.

All you have to do is call or click.