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Ignoring Online Marketing Could Be Deadly for Business

online marketing

Ignoring online marketing is one of the worst things you can do for your business. When you ignore social media, email marketing and online advertising, you are hurting your company. According to Knoxweb, relying on the old way of doing business isn’t going to help your bottom line.

When retailer John Wanamaker said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, the trouble is, I don’t know which half,” he wasn’t joking and back then, the World Wide Web didn’t exist, however, Mr. Wanamaker’s quote is still the case today.

These days, it’s difficult to know where to put your advertising dollars. Most people grew tired of clicking on those annoying online ads, but now that researchers have gotten in on the act, experts are beginning to see just how few actually click on internet ads.

More research is indicating that those who buy online would be buying a product or service regardless if they saw a paid for ad or not. The study discovered that the paid search spending was being focused on the same people who were going to buy on Amazon or eBay anyway. Most frequent online shoppers are not influenced by paid for ads, which results in a negative return, however, if you don’t have an online presence, nobody will be able to find you anyway.

Facebook and Google

Google is the largest search engine in the world while Facebook is the largest social media network in the world. Facebook is social; Google is for finding out information, shopping, entertainment and much more. With that being said, the news feed on Facebook is the most sophisticated of its kind on the planet.

Google converts shoppers at the bottom of the funnel while Facebook is more like a magazine or TV with thousands of companies hoping to catch the eye of Facebook users. Businesses and organizations are hoping to get a slice of the Facebook user pie by purchasing paid for ads on Facebook.

If you follow the Knoxweb blog, you will know that Facebook advertising works, however, if you don’t optimize your Facebook ads with the rest of your online marketing campaign, you are simply throwing your money away.

Starting a successful online marketing campaign that will get results can be tough, especially if you don’t know a thing about analytics or logistics. According to Knoxweb, not optimizing and spending your ad dollars recklessly could hurt your business or organization.

When you schedule a no obligation consultation with Knoxweb, your companies wants and needs will be met whether you own a tour bus business in the Great Smoky Mountains in East Tennessee or a diner in Gatlinburg.

Knoxweb has been in the web business since 1996 and understands the importance of online marketing. When you work with the marketing team from Knoxweb, you will see results with your email marketing, social media marketing, and traditional marketing.

If you are tired of searching through page after page on Google just to find your business or organization listing, it’s time to schedule an appointment with Knoxweb who can help you create an amazing online marketing campaign that will not cost you a fortune.

Call or click and schedule your consultation with Knoxweb today.