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Four Strong SEO Trends for 2018

If you started 2018 with a strong SEO campaign, but aren’t too sure if it is worth your time and effort, it’s time to call Knoxweb.


Knoxweb understands search engine technology, and can set you up with an SEO campaign that will see results.

Knoxweb has been helping small and large businesses grow with sound digital marketing techniques that will increase your ROI.

Below are Some SEO Trends to Watch For:

Digital Assistants and Voice Search

Voice search is changing the way people communicate. In fact, Google says that one out of five searches are voice queries.

Knoxweb expects voice search to be even bigger in the coming months. That means you need to be smart when you set up your search engine optimization strategy. With voice search on the rise, your content needs to contain long tail keyword phrases.

Think about what you ask a digital assistant and take your clues from there. You want your prose to match the natural language of the digital assistant. People want quick answers and they want them now. A professional writer from Knoxweb writes content that provides the best answer for the algorithms.

Link Building

Link building is still relevant in today’s digital world. However, according to Knoxweb, those links need to provide value to the user. If your links aren’t adding value, potential clients will go elsewhere. Google warned publishers about too much guest posting and will be looking closely at guest blogs to control questionable and spammy links. When a diversified link building campaign is put together, you will see results.

SEO is all about relationship building in 2018. Knoxweb can help you develop powerful contacts along with links that will be beneficial to your brand in the long term.

It’s All About the User

User experience is crucial for search engine optimization in 2018. Google has made it evidently clear that the focus is and always has been on the user. Delivering an amazing user experience will get you more subscribers.

A good UX starts with speed, navigation, and readability. If your site is slow to load, you need to talk to Knoxweb.

Because more people are going mobile for information, you must provide a user experience across all platforms including desktop and mobile.

Visual Search is on the Rise

Combining user experience and technology, visual search is taking searching to a new level. While the internet becomes visually focused, you have the opportunity to include your company on the visual search wagon train.

Google, Pinterest, and Bing are just a few large companies that have developed visual search engines to capitalize on the growing trend.

SEO needs to go beyond text with rich visuals that engage and entice the user. Visual searches are imperative when it comes to search engine optimization.

In today’s fast-paced digital world, it’s important to stay ahead of the competition. Having a professional team of SEO experts will make life easier for both you and your brand.

So what are you waiting for? You can still turn your business around before the end of the year with sound SEO strategies that are tried and true.

Call Knoxweb for a no obligation consultation. One call really can change the life of your business.

Call or click and talk to Knoxweb about SEO marketing today.