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Facebook Live What You Should Know

Facebook Live certainly has its advantages. People use the platform to share events, new products and daily events.

Facebook Live

Facebook Live, when used properly, is a great way to optimize your brand through captivating live videos that will get you more likes, comments, and shares. While going live may seem have seemed like a good idea at the time, it can have its ramifications, especially if you do not have a solid plan.

What is Facebook Live?

Facebook Live is a platform that allows businesses and individuals to, “Go live,” whenever the notion strikes. Facebook Live has changed the way businesses market online. With video consumption at its highest, going live on Facebook could very well increase your profits 10 fold.

Facebook Live Basics

The basic features allow users to stream live. All the user has to do is tap the live stream icon and broadcasting begins. Your followers will see that you have gone live and will tune into your live broadcast.

After you have completed your video, tap finish and your live video will be posted permanently on your Facebook timeline. Although you can record for as long as you like, anything over four hours will not have permanent placement on your timeline.

Using Facebook Live

According to Knoxweb, there is a variety of broadcasting opportunities available. You can do a product launch event, or share the grand opening of your new business. Regardless of your angle, there are a few things to keep in mind before you go live on Facebook.

Attract More Followers Before you Go Live-Come up with a unique and attractive way to get more followers before you go live.

Let your Viewers Know in Advance-Make sure to publicize your live broadcast before you go live.

Check your Connection-Knoxweb explains that your internet connection must be solid. Regardless of the topic, you do not want to lose your signal.

Make sure You Have Battery Backup-Battery backup is an essential part of going live on Facebook. A backup power source is a must if you are going live on Facebook.

Write an Amazing Headline-If you follow the Knoxweb Blog, you know that video is preferred over text. Consequently, the headline will get viewers to tune in and watch your live broadcast.

Engage Engage Engage-Show your appreciation and talk with your viewers. Ask questions and be animated. Participating is essential when it comes to going live on Facebook.

Things to Consider with Facebook Live

Video content is the fastest growing form of online advertising, and it is only going to get bigger. Ask Knoxweb how you can jump on the bandwagon with Video Grabber.

In the moment is what users are demanding. When you go live, you are giving users real-time updates that are extremely popular in the world of social media. Platforms like Facebook Live will help you get there.

With Facebook Live, you can get ahead of the competition. If your competitors are going live, watch their broadcasts as you can garner what you should and shouldn’t do.

Live streaming is extremely popular with millennials. The millennials are a tough demographic to crack.

Get Help with Facebook Live

Because Knoxweb has kept up with the online marketing trends since 1996, you can too.

Call or click for a no obligation social media marketing consultation with Knoxweb and start planning your Facebook Live broadcast today.