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A Mobile App for You

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If you have been thinking about a Mobile App for your business call or click and schedule an appointment with Knoxweb who can determine what type of Mobile App would be best for you and your company.

Mobile Apps have certainly changed over the years with the Mobile App world exploding over the past three years, but what type of App should you build, and most importantly do you really need one?

Currently there are 24 categories when it comes to apps in the IOS App store with Google Play having 20 Mobile App categories. Although that may seem a little overwhelming, Knoxweb explains that all of those mobile apps actually fit into seven types of mobile apps.

These types of apps are:

  1. Entertainment
  2. Utilities
  3. News
  4. Games
  5. Productivity
  6. Social Networking
  7. Lifestyle

According to Knoxweb, each one of the above mobile apps is different requiring different programming and even different software in order to run each mobile app. Some may even require 3D modeling software.

Utility Apps

Utility apps are the kind of mobile apps that take up the majority of your screen space. These are the tools that your Smartphone and tablet carry to provide you with simple tasks. Some examples include calculators, communication apps, note-pads, and weather apps. Utility mobile apps are used quite frequently but have session times that are shorter because the user is there for a reason and is in and out in seconds.

Entertainment Apps

Entertainment Apps are designed to entertain, but are different from game apps because they have different goals. Entertainment apps are often times educational and seek to satisfy users. Some examples of Entertainment apps include Spotify, Dubsmash, Duolingo, and Face Juggler.

Games Apps

One of the most addictive mobile apps is the games apps. Still immensely popular virtual reality has changed what the humble game app was a few years ago. Some examples of popular game apps include Trivia Crack, Sudoku, and Angry Birds.

News Apps

Publishing and media companies depend on news apps to stay current and relevant. The most important features when it comes to news mobile apps are sharing functions. News apps spread virally and provide fresh and thought provoking content to the masses. Some examples of news apps include Flipboard, Buzzfeed, and The NYT app. The goal of a publishing app is to encourage content consumption so that the app can generate ad revenue.

Productivity Apps

Productivity apps help you become more productive. Some examples of these types of mobile apps include translators, grocery list makers, finance apps, and calendars. Knoxweb explains that it is imperative that users have a seamless experience when it comes to productivity apps. Any function that is confusing, adds to the workload of the user. The goal of productivity apps is to be more productive.

Lifestyle Apps

Lifestyle Apps really have taken the world by storm. These types of apps are used to enhance your lifestyle while making your everyday life easier. Some good examples of lifestyle apps include dating apps, music apps, food and drink apps, travel apps and fitness apps.

Social Networking Apps

Almost everyone uses social networking apps. According to Knoxweb, social media has become so pervasive that users are now seeing social networking apps that some would not consider traditional. A good example is the fitness app Fitbit that encourages users to follow and compete against each other. Other examples of social networking include Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Snapchat.

Knowing what kind of app is best for your business or organization is crucial if you want to reach the most people.

If you are still unsure what type of app would be best for you, call or click and speak to a mobile app expert from Knoxweb today.