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8 Tips for Local Link Building in Your Community

Local link building has certainly changed. Knoxweb explains that you can no longer purchase a bunch of links to build your following. If you do, Google will punish you for it.

local link building

Knoxweb has been in business since 1996, even before local link building existed and has some local link building advice for your online presence.

1. Military or Alumni Discounts for Local Link Building

Offer local college and university discounts. Create a landing page that explains the discount that will allow you to reach out and share links. Military discounts work the same way, but require a bit more work for local link sharing. Talk to the American Legion or the Veterans Associations’. Build a landing page and start attracting more clients and customers using discounts for local link building.

2. Local Meetups for Local Link Building

A virtual gold mine of untapped local links, Meetup.com is the best place to check out active groups in your area. Search for groups that your industry relates to before branching out to other groups in the area. Look for groups that need a location spot for meetings, offer your facility, and you’ve got a new local link.

3. Sponsorship’s for Local Link Building

Offer to sponsor local groups with cash or refreshments. You could even offer a scholarship at the local university sealing the deal for your local link exchange. Offer to sponsor a local sports team or start a bowling team for the local league. The possibilities are endless when it comes to sponsorship’s for local link building.

4. Host a Party or Community Event

Thanks to social media, you can throw a party or an event and invite the entire community. It really is a great way to build local links. Knoxweb recommends that you check out what the other local businesses are doing and what works for them. Maybe an annual Chili cook-off or Holiday market for the local artisans to start the ball rolling for your annual community event.

5. Create a Page for Local Resources

A local resource page is the place where you can share information about your business. Something more personal about your favorite restaurant or place to shop. When you create a resource page, it’s much more than link trading with the dentist next door. Ask Knoxweb how you can create a local resources page for local link building.

6. Local Awards for Local Link Building

It would be safe to say that your local community has a local business award, nearly every town does. They could be crowd favorites or specific. The awards could even be for local community service. Do your research and find out what you and your business could be eligible for. Also, find out how you can be nominated and get to work as winners, placers, and runners up will usually be rewarded a link and as a result, be successful at link building.

7. Take Advantage of Business Relationships

Unless you just opened your doors for business, you probably have made quite a few business relationships with companies in the local area. Take advantage and ask for a link share, or better yet, offer to feature them in a future blog. You’ll be amazed at how much better the relationship will be when you start local link building with your business buddies. Even if the business is not related to your industry, you can still utilize the link from a friend who owns the bed and breakfast down the street.

8. The Local Celebrities for Local Link Building

Feature a local figure on your website. Create a landing page for the mayor’s upcoming election, or go live on Facebook with the famous actor you play golf with. If you go to church with the local mayor or play in a classic rock band with a former rockstar, you can bet they will love to participate in local link building. Don’t know anyone famous? Ask your friends or customers because networking helps if you want to attract the local celebrity community.

Local link building won’t cost you like it did in the old days. Use the tips above and don’t forget to contact Knoxweb for a no obligation digital marketing consultation. As a result, your following will grow when you connect with local link building for digital marketing.

Call or click and schedule a no obligation local link building consultation with Knoxweb today.