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4 Digital Marketing Trends You Can’t Ignore in 2019

Knoxweb understands the business of digital marketing and explains that marketing has changed more in the last two years than it has in the last fifty. While the basics have not changed, the way the message is delivered has.


With digital marketing, you have to deal with retention, SEO, customer acquisition, pay per click, engagement, search advertising, social media marketing and more. Knowing what technology is hot helps put you in the driver’s seat. Businesses that keep up with the trends will see a better profit at the end of the year.

Below are four digital marketing trends you can’t ignore in 2019

AI the King of Profilers for Digital Marketing

If you follow the Knoxweb Blog, you will know that artificial intelligence is one of the fastest ways to grow your business in 2019. AI is now using click tracking, push notifications, retargeting and customer segmentation. AI is even creating digital content and while it may not be as personal as a blog or article written by a professional, artificial intelligence still sell products and services.

According to Knoxweb, 28 percent of companies are using artificial intelligence for product and service recommendations while 26 percent have had success with AI for campaign optimization. If you aren’t implanting AI into your digital marketing strategies, you aren’t keeping up with the competition.

People want answers immediately, and if you aren’t up to the task, you will lose business. Companies are using AI to answer and respond to customer queries on the spot.

Digital Marketing and Chatbots

Social media is popular because people are naturally social creatures. People like to interact with other humans. Social media allows you and your business to interact with fans and followers, but in today’s world, it isn’t enough. Chatbots allow you to interact with visitors on your website 24/7.

Knoxweb can install a chatbot on your website that allows you to hold conversations with visitors. With most asked questions being programmed into the application, it’s like a live human is offering customer service.

Although Chatbots have been around for a few years now, they have never been as powerful and intelligent as they are now. Some companies are still using older technologies that aren’t very user friendly with long wait times.

Chatbots are also less expensive than a full time customer service support employee is. Chatbots don’t require a paycheck or vacation pay either.

Digital Marketing with Omnichannel Marketing

Omnichannel marketing provides a seamless experience for your potential customers with consistent communication across multiple channels.

With Omnichannel marketing, when you interact with a client on Facebook or Twitter and follow it through with other types of digital marketing, you’ll eventually hear the phone ring. That means you have established a lead. When you keep track of your client’s communications you are interacting on multiple channels impressing them with your obvious customer service care.

Omnichannel marketing allows customers to shop from a mobile phone or desktop. Customers can also have an in store experience thanks to Omnichannel marketing. When you interact with a person on social media and optimize across all channels you are increasing your customer base and end of year earnings. Ask Knoxweb how you can incorporate Omnichannel marketing into your digital marketing strategies.

Digital Marketing with Voice Search

Voice search is a lot better than it used to be and is extremely popular. Because voice search has improved, it has become a viable way to advertise your brand. Voice search commerce is expected to be more than 40 billion by 2022.

Knoxweb explains that voice search is popular because it is easier to use than conventional searching on a keyboard. It’s also safer. With voice search, you can talk into your device instead of typing.

Voice search allows you to order that must have item you saw on eBay without typing a single stroke. Voice search is also much faster as people type slower than they talk.

If you are considering voice search for your digital marketing plan, make sure to use long tailed keywords and keyword phrases as voice searches are, in most cases, longer than typed ones.

Grow Your Business with Digital Marketing

It’s easy to grow your business when you work with the team from Knoxweb. Knoxweb has been in business since 1996 and is always on top of the trends when it comes to digital marketing. Work with Knoxweb, and you will be too.

Call for a no obligation digital marketing consultation with Knoxweb today.