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Internet Marketing Plan 2017

internet marketing

A new internet marketing plan can be yours now, and with the New Year just around the corner, there has never been a better time to boost your online presence with the help of Knoxweb.

Knoxweb understands the fickle world of the web and can help your business or organization with an internet marketing plan that will outshine the competition. Email marketing, strategic SEO, unique content, mobile app development, and of course, social media marketing are just a few of the services that the oldest and most established web design company in Knoxville has to offer.

Email Marketing

If you follow the Knoweb Blog, you will know that email marketing is still a viable outlet for your products and services. Email marketing can be used to build trust and loyalty while building solid leads and prospects. Email marketing can be used to keep in touch with current and past customers. Your email customers will have already developed a relationship with your business or organization giving you a leg up when it comes to your social media pages.


Search Engine Optimization is what drives your internet marketing plan, and if you aren’t incorporating white hat SEO into your content, Google isn’t going to like you very much. White hat SEO uses optimization and other web techniques and strategies that are directed towards a human audience. Black hat SEO puts its focus on the search engine disregarding Google’s mission statement, which is to put the user first.


Content has and always will be the reason people go to your website. Users are looking for information that pertains to whatever it is they are looking for, and if that information is carbon copy to everything else that comes up on the first page of a search engine, your company will be passed by. Talk to Knoxweb about unique and informative content that will tell the world what you are all about.

Mobile App

These days having a mobile responsive website is essential to your internet marketing plan. However, do you really need a mobile app? There are all kinds of mobile apps on the World Wide Web that people use every day to find a restaurant in Pigeon Forge or a B & B in Gatlinburg, but getting an audience can be tough, especially if you aren’t sure what kind of mobile app you want or need. Schedule an appointment with Knoxweb who can steer you in the right direction and determine if you really need a mobile app or just a better mobile website.

Social Media Marketing

Knoxweb understands the power of social media, but also knows it takes time. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and the newest and fastest growing kid on the block Snapchat are just a few of the social media networking sites that can help your internet marketing plan. Talk to the social media guru’s from Knoxweb about a solid social media marketing plan that you can include in your internet marketing strategies.

January 1 2017 is fast approaching and if you want to step up your internet marketing strategy for next year, call or click and schedule an appointment with the team from Knoxweb who can help you come up with a solid plan for your business or organization.

Call or click today.