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A Mobile Responsive Website Will Boost Business

mobile responsive website

If you don’t have a Mobile Responsive Website, your business could be in trouble. According to Knoxweb, a Mobile Responsive Website is one of the first things you should consider if you are trying to boost your online presence.

With the growth of everything mobile, it is essential that you have a Mobile Responsive Website. Smartphone’s, tablets, and now Smartwatch’s are everywhere and if you don’t have one your business or organization could be losing business. Knoxweb shares a few reasons that you should already have a mobile responsive website.

Mobile Usage on the Rise

It is estimated that over 58 percent of Americans use a Smartphone with nearly 60 percent of website traffic coming from a mobile device. If that isn’t enough to convince you, there are more mobile devices on the planet than people. Every month usage grows, so every 30 days your prospects increase.

Smartphone Shopping is growing

If you need something fast and hopping in the car isn’t an option, online shopping is where you will turn. According to recent research, up to 80 percent of shoppers use their mobile devices to shop online. That means 70 percent of shoppers are using their Smartphone’s all year round. If your products and services aren’t viewable on a mobile device, you are losing sales.

Social Media Boosts Mobile Visitors

According to Knoxweb, more than 55 percent of social media happens on Smartphone’s tablets and Smartwatch’s That means YouTube, Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and number two on the list Snapchat, will deliver more traffic to your website. If your social media marketing strategy is in place and you want to leverage your social media profile, you must have a mobile responsive website.

If you follow the Knoxweb blog, you will know that Google started penalizing businesses who were not mobile friendly. That new algorithm has been in place since April 2015 punishing businesses and organizations that were not mobile friendly.

SEO Boost

A mobile responsive website will improve your SEO, or search engine optimization because your responsive website is giving users a positive response and a better user experience. Google algorithms appreciate the fact that your mobile responsive website has one URL, and will reward your business or organization if you do.

Mobile phones also have a separate Google search algorithm. Your site may be ranking well on your desktop, but that doesn’t mean it will do so well on a Smartphone. Knoxweb explains that mobile searches have now overtaken desktop searches so being mobile responsive is essential.

A Responsive Design adapts to Multiple Mobile Device Sizes

A mobile responsive website works on any device whether you are using a Smartwatch, tablet, or Smartphone.

Easier Management

Now, there are quite a few businesses and organizations that manage two websites, the main site for PC’s, and the other website, a mobile version of the PC website. This used to be common, but not so much anymore as like anything, multiple versions can be a nightmare to manage.

Better Experience

A mobile responsive website offers users a better experience. If your clients and potential customers have to pinch and squeeze the screen just to read about your company or check your prices, you can bet they will leave your site and head to the competition.

Stop being penalized. Call or click and speak to a mobile responsive website designer from Knoxweb today.